Forget “What About Bob”. Let’s talk “What About Val”.

- I was born in November - in the afternoon.
- I think the juice box may be one of the world’s greatest inventions.
- Buying stationary gives me a high.
- My favorite fruit is strawberries. I do not like kiwi.
- I want to visit Montana, Egypt, Italy and Sweden. I do not want to go to Spain.
- My grade school carpool mom loved listening to Mark & Brian.
- My favorite ‘kid friendly’ joke involves pigs and dirt.
- I still enjoy watching Little Bear.
- I took guitar lessons when I was 11, but did not enjoy them, so I sold my guitar.
- I’m much more productive in the summer, which further proves my theory that I am solar powered.
- I think Janet Jackson is overrated.
- I do not know the correct amount to tip a hairdresser.
- I believe that “I’m sorry” always sounds better than “I apologize”.
- I do not know who Jack Johnson is.
- I prefer Cat Stevens to Sheryl Crow, but I would not like to be named Cat.
- I do not wear toe rings.
- I can do the robot.
- When I don’t think I’ve explained myself as clearly as I could have, I start to over explain and become annoying.
- Birds of Paradise is my favorite flower.
- I am excellent at Spades.
- I collect clocks.
- I do not like asparagus. Or broccoli.
- I like warm weather.
- I find it difficult to sleep in a moving car.
- I love Strawberry Shortcake and would love to start a collection again.
- I like the smell of Brake Kleen.
- I do not know how to use a Playstation controller.
- I like crushed ice, not cubed.
- When I worked at BHS, I was often mistaken for a student.
- “Winter Wonderland” is one of my favorite Christmas carols.
- I am very bad at: trusting people, hitting a baseball, and being nice to The X.
- I must always be singing while I drive.
- I’ve never been on a boat.
- Steve Carell is my least favorite actor on the planet for reasons I do not understand.
- I like the name Sammi.
- English was my favorite academic subject in college.
- I once got a 37% on a midterm and my teacher wrote ‘good improvement’. And he was serious. It was.
- I once shot a guy in the nuts with a bb gun.
- Pineapple juice is one of my favorite beverages derived from a fruit.
- I think “The Office” is the stupidest show on television.
- I once held a job that required me to wear high heels.
- I believe in love at first sight.
- Sometimes I feel bad for the bruised fruit at the grocery store.
- I believe in karma.
- Zoo’s make me happy.
- I’ve never gotten carsick.
- I love watching Charlie Brown specials.
- I dislike most animals.
- I like red apples. I do not like green.
- The previews are my favorite part of the movie theatre experience.
- I believe that songs on the radio come on as direct signs to me.
- I have never shoplifted.
- I dislike it very much when others can’t be happy for me.
- When at the public library and I see a book I read and loved, I will pull it out on the shelf a little more so it stands out. Librarians must hate me.
- I hate public speaking.
- Water skiing scares the crap out of me.
- The Daytona 500 is my favorite sporting event of the year.
- I like the window seat.
- My least productive time of day is morning.
- I dislike leaving phone messages.
- The Time Machine (1960) is one of the greatest movies of all time. This is not just opinion - this is fact.
- I get mad when I think you’re not listening to me.
- Red popsicles are the best.
- My worst date involved a man who refused to stop for stop signs.
- I really like airplanes.
- I do not email as much as I once did.
- My favorite color is red.
- 287 is my highest online bowling score.
- I get irrationally angry when I watch any of the Law & Order shows.
- I love my license plate.
- There are only two people I hate. I hope to not have any more.
- I regularly think of who would be my “phone a friend” if I ever was on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
- I dislike anything grape.
- I do not find painting pottery relaxing.
- One of my favorite board games is Monopoly.
- I believe Alex Trebek is one of the only people on the planet who looks better with a mustache.
- I judge books by their cover.
- There is something about Kevin Costner that forces me to stare at him.
- I like watching football only for the opportunity to yell loudly.
- I’ve never broken a bone.
- I dislike haircutting services with lame names like hair4u! or hair today, gone tomorrow!, or hairisma!.
- If people were parts of a magic trick, I would be the turn. And I’m happy about that.
- I once had an opportunity to take a picture of The X with his head in a guillotine, but I was preoccupied with watching the trick and missed my chance.
- I like legos. Still.
- I am very good at Wheel of Fortune.
- If I don’t know what to say, I will say ‘hmmm’.
- My zodiac profile says I’m horny.
- I have no problem opening my eyes under water.
- I do not like beer. This is my burden.
- “Later” is my least favorite way of saying goodbye.
- I am excellent at putting electronics together.
- I do not like to eat eggs from chickens I know.
- When I doodle, I always draw the big cross Frank taught me to draw.
- I do not like to text in short form: I feel bad writing “ur” instead of “your” or “you’re”.
- My toothbrush is blue/white.
- I have been in love a few times but my heart has only been broken twice.
- I do not like the Beatles.
- I like crispy/burnt marshmallows.

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