Monday, March 24, 2025

Friday, September 29, 2023

The Sad Truth

Disappointment often turns to frustration.
Frustration often turns to resentment.
Resentment turns to anger.
Anger to rage.
Rage to indifference.
And once I am indifferent, I will have forgotten you were ever one of my favorites.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Meet Leonidas

When I was growing up, we had an orange cat we called Scottie. I don't remember much about him, but I do remember when he passed away. I was at a very impressionable age, and it was very heartbreaking for me. 

As I grew older, I would think of him often. I had other cats and dogs growing up, but none that left such a strange impact on my mind. Perhaps this is where my obsession for orange cats came from.

When SS and I decided we wanted to get another cat, and friend for Ebony, I originally started looking at orange cats. When I wasn't finding what I wanted, I widened my search. Then Graycie came across my screen. That was love at first sight, even though she wasn't orange.

Over the next four years, I hadn't given up my desire to get an orange cat. SS didn't really want to even entertain the idea of a third cat, so I dropped it. Until two weeks ago.

One of the animal trainers that I used to work with, found a family of kittens in a bush behind her house. She took them in and posted a couple photos and videos of them. 

I. Fell. In. Love.

Meet Leo.... He's not exactly orange, but he's close. 

Leonidas means "son of a lion", and this brave little boy has the heart of a lion in a cat's body. It's perfect for him.

We have had him for only a few days, and things have definitely changed around our house. We have him separated from the others because I know they'll pick on him, and I just want him to be a happy boy, not stressed about anything. 

I'll keep you updated on his progress as he grows. 

Monday, June 26, 2023

The Strawberry Attempt

Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits foods. I can eat them in mass quantities, if the time is right. Since I do not buy fruit at the grocery store, I spend a little more money to buy them directly from the farmer at our local farmers market. In order to save a little money (for a future large purchase I will share about another day), I decided I would try to grow strawberries myself. 

There's a guy I follow on social media that loves to share videos about how to grow fruits and veggies, so I thought I'd give his method a try. It's been about three weeks, and I have finally seen a little growth. 

Once it has actually started to grow bigger roots, I will replant it and move it to an outdoor pot. 

I'm going to have strawberries. For free! Yay!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Thinking about The Ex

In July of 2022, I received a middle of the night text that I never really thought I'd get. When I say to you that I never saw it coming, that would be an understatement.

The morning of July 4th, RJ texted saying something was wrong with his dad and he was taken away in an ambulance. He was freaking out and didn't know what to do. 

After staring at that text for a minute, I didn't really know how to respond. I couldn't help him from three states away, but I could offer words of encouragement and positivity. Then told him to keep me updated as I was going back to sleep. 

The next 12-14 hours were so hard. As updates started to come from the doctors, it was clear that he wasn't going to be walking out of the hospital. And that was a devastating blow to RJ.

On July 6th, at 8:09am, I was notified that The Ex had passed. 

After years and years of fighting, arguing, disagreeing on almost everything, I found myself feeling something I hadn't felt in so long. I was hurting, and I wasn't even married to him anymore. 

I hurt for my son. I hurt because I knew the pain was just beginning. I tried to be so strong for RJ, and after a few conversations with Sis, we decided we were going to drive out to see RJ during this time. 

It was a quick trip. She flew down to LA to meet me, and then we rented a car and drove to Texas. We only stayed for a couple days, but I just needed to hug RJ in person. Virtual hugs and kisses just weren't going to do it this time. He was in too much pain.

Tomorrow would have been his 53rd birthday. 

Miss you.